Sunset Boulevard ( 9 ) : ” A Streetcar Named Ambassador “



MUMBAI – MAHARASHTRA – INDIA           JUNE 17, 2014           00.20 A.M.


1958 – 25 May 2014

It pains me a lot and saddens me to no end as I write this blog about the demise of Ambassador car. It was owner’s pride once upon a time. It was a car of power once upon a time. It was object of desire once upon a time. People of my generation affectionately used to call it ” Amby “, a streetcar named “Amby”. And it is sad to know that my ” Amby ” now ceases to exist . Today, while I am writing this blog, I am grief-stricken and numb.

But I have now become immune. It is the 9th blog about vanishing objects of my younger days, my growing years, my formative period. My first blog in the Sunset Boulevard section was about ” Bajaj Scooter “. I wrote it on December 28, 2009. One fine morning I read in the news paper that HAMARA BAJAJ wont be manufactured any more. The year was 2009. Within 5 years [ from 2009 to 2014 ] , 08 more objects of my growing years left me for ever, leaving a flood of sweet-sour memories to remember and mourn. They just cease to exist now. After ” HAMARA BAJAJ ” it was the turn of ” FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM “. Then it was the turn was of ” VANISHING GRAVES “, ” CASSETTE WALKMAN “, ” KAMALISTAN STUDIO “, ” CHAVANNI “, ” ROAD MILESTONES ” and ” LAKSHMI TALKIES “, a cinema hall of Allahabad.

Now I know that anything will disappear any time and will cease to exist. Ambassador car is the 9th to walk into the sunset but certainly it is not going to be the last one. Few more things of my younger years will vanish soon and will become memory and history. One day I myself will walk into the sunset boulevard. But as long as I am alive, it hurts me as I find that a particular object of my life, a part of my being, an integral paraphernalia of my younger days will be no more with me. Ambassador is the 9th but definitely not the last one. With Ambassador, a part of my life is gone forever.

Ambassador - The Symbol 0f Power

Ambassador – The Symbol of Power


The Ambassador was a car manufactured by Hindustan Motors of India. It has been in production since 1958 with few improvements or changes and is based on the Morris Oxford III model, first made by the Morris Motors Limited at Cowley, Oxford in the United Kingdom from 1956 to 1959.

Despite its British origins, the Ambassador is considered as a definitive Indian car and is fondly called “The grand old lady of Indian roads”. The automobile is manufactured by Hindustan Motors at its Uttarpara plant near Kolkata, West Bengal. All the prominent Indian politicians of yore used the Ambassador. Some like  Sonia Gandhi, used the Ambassador till now.

As of 25 May 2014, the Hindustan Motors has suspended the production of the Ambassador

Decline & Fall of Ambassador

Decline & Fall of Ambassador

My father was fond of Chevrolet cars. So we never possessed the Ambassador in Deoria. But I do remember the red-beacon fitted Amby of the ruling class of my generation, which used to inspire awe and admiration in me. Years have passed. Ambassador slowly lost the glory and power attached to it. It, in its later avatar , became popular as a taxi. What a sad fall of the grand old Ambassador! And now it passes into oblivion. Its journey is complete.


Vidur Acting Institute Logo


On behalf of all the students and staff of VIDUR Acting Institute , I mourn the death of my Amby.

VIDUR Editing Studio , VIDUR Club and VIDUR Merchandise would also like to join in mourning.

RIP ! my Amby. Your enviable fortune got changed in the changing times. Alas ! Time is cruel.


[ I have quoted some facts about Ambassador from Wikipedia. I am indebted. ]




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